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How to Treat a Hyperextended Knee

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How to Treat a Hyperextended Knee 1Injuries in the knee are common nowadays, especially to athletes and people with an active lifestyle. If you struggle with knee pain, it’s important to visit your doctor to avoid further complications. Having a hyperextended knee is a serious medical problem. So, how to treat a hyperextended knee?

What is a Hyperextended Knee

This is a specific type of knee injury due to intense bending in a backward manner. Those who suffer from hyperextended knee will feel severe pain that requires a medical professional to identify and treat the problem. It often occurs when a person make a high impact activity like jumping, running, and other extreme movements.

Hyperextended Knee Symptoms

Good thing it’s easy to know when a person has hyperextended knee. If you feel your knee bends backward not aligning with your leg, you are likely to have this injury. Then you will suffer from the following symptoms:

  • swelling
  • moderate-severe knee pain
  • visible bruising
  • experiencing weak knee like it’s going to give out
  • instability
  • reduced mobility
  • damaged ligaments

This is how to tell if you hyperextended your knee. However, treating the injured knee as soon as possible will help for faster recovery. So if you spot a hyperextended knee, make sure to consult the doctor before the situation becomes worse.

What Does a Hyperextended Knee Feel Like

Just like any other injuries, it’s painful to have a hyperextended knee. Given the mild-severe symptoms, the severity of pain will depend on how much you’ve bent your knee. The damage will also extend to the ligaments and tissues surrounding the knee area. Swelling is likely to happen and you will feel a throbbing pain due to inflammation.

What To Do for a Hyperextended Knee

Treatment for knee injuries will depend on the severity of the pain. Usually, the treatment used is RICE or Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation method.

Take a Rest

you need to stop any activity that triggered the injury and find medical help. Avoid contact sports with high impact or intensity. You should get anti-inflammatory treatment to reduce the pain and swelling.

Apply Ice

Put an ice bag on the affected area for about 15 minutes. Do this several times a day to reduce swelling and pain.

Apply Compression

Use elastic bandage or compression wrap to help recover from inflammation.

Follow Elevation

Elevate the leg, it should be above the heart. Place a pillow under your leg while lying in bed to relax the muscles.


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