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Best Essential Oils for Gout Treatment

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For centuries, essential oils are proven to treat pains and aches in the body naturally. It is best used in treating joint ailments including gout; it’s a type of arthritis in which tiny sodium urate particles build up in the joints. Essential oils can treat gout pain due to its properties that break down the urate particles stuck in the joints. If you want all-natural treatment for gout, you need the best essential oils for gout relief.

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What Essential Oils are Good for Gout

With some of the most effective essential oils for gout, it’s easier to treat joint pains without having to undergo surgery or any medical procedure. So which of these essential oils do you need to get quick relief from gout? Check out the following list of the best options you can use:



Rosemary Oil

This essential oil contains astringent properties making it a powerful, natural treatment for gout. Also, its warming quality helps in improving blood circulation while reducing gout pain because it anesthetizes your nerves. You can mix rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil to get a stronger massage blend for stiff muscles, joint ailments, and painful gout.


Frankincense Oil

Some essential oils for gout treatment like the Frankincense have a calming aroma. The incense and perfume given by this resin from the Boswellia tree contain therapeutic properties for gout relief. The anti-inflammatory effect of this oil helps in providing a natural remedy for arthritis such as gout.


Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil has a lot of diverse uses, and that includes gout treatment. In every household, this is indeed a must-have because of its powerful healing effects in the body. Tea tree essential oil also contains anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties to treat gout and other conditions.


Basil Oil

In India, basil is a useful medicinal herb used for years. Although this ingredient is more famous as a culinary herb, it has health benefits depending on the variety. Since gout results in joint inflammation with a burning sensation, basil essential oil is ideal for relieving swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties.


Geranium Oil

As a favorite essential oil, Geranium is perfect for treating gout and other conditions. It’s highly aromatic and contains medicinal properties and anti-inflammatory effect. As a natural remedy for gout, you can count on this essential oil to soother swelling joints.


Chamomile Oil

This daisy-like plant has been helpful in treating various ailments during the early times. And now, chamomile essential oil is still useful in relieving joint pains such as gout.


How to Use Essential Oils for Gout

There are so many ways to apply essential oils for gout relief. You can use the topical method, hot towel compress, hot and cold foot bath, or mix it to make Epsom salt bath. But the best way is to massage the oil into the inflamed area to soothe swelling joints and muscles. So the next time you suffer from gout, use these essential oils for gout and arthritis to get immediate relief.

Best Essential Oils for Gout Treatment 1

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